Call for Abstract

18th World Analytical Chemistry & Mass Spectrometry , will be organized around the theme Analytical World For Tomorrow - A New Era of Research Through Novel Analytical Techniques

WACC 2018 is comprised of 33 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in WACC 2018.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Analytical chemistry is the component of chemistry most closely related to engineering and involves in the development of new instrumentation and new technology used to separate, identify, and quantify matter. It is concerned with the practical applications of chemistry, has seen increased interest in the emergence of the mega-interdisciplinary areas of nanotechnology and systems biology. It consists of classical, wet chemical methods and modern, instrumental methods. Classical qualitative methods use separation methods such as precipitation, extraction, and distillation.  Instrumental methods may be used to separate samples using chromatography, electrophoresis or field flow fractionation.

  • Qualitative analysis
  • Quantitative analysis
  • Advances in analytical methods
  •  Novel Approaches to Analytical Chemistry


Polymer Science and Materials Chemistry Practice (PSMC) is composed of scientists and engineers who focus on innovative, multidisciplinary solutions for materials, processes, and products starting at the atomic level. Materials and polymers are everywhere. The discovery of new materials is essential to developing technology for the future. Researchers in our Department are synthesizing and studying new organic, inorganic, and polymeric materials that have potential to be applied in biodegradable plastics, solar cells, light-emitting diodes, fuel cell electrodes, magnetic devices, catalytic converters, membranes, hydrogen storage devices, and other applications.

  • Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
  • Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy
  • Fluorescence
  • Differential Scanning  Calorimetry
  • Materials Engineering.


The process of separation is integral unit operation in most of the Modern Pharmaceutical Techniques, chemical, and other process plants. Among the separation processes, some are standard and conventional processes, like, distillation Process, absorption process, adsorption process, etc. These processes are quite common and the relevant technologies are well developed and well-studied. On the other hand, newer separation processes like membrane based techniques, supercritical fluid extraction, chromatographic separation, etc., are gaining importance in modern days plants as novel separation processes.

  • Hyphenated Separation Techniques
  • Chromatography as a Separation Technique
  • Spectroscopy as Separation Technique

There are many types of ionization methods are used in mass spectrometry methods. The classic methods that most chemists are familiar with are electron impact (EI) and Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB). These techniques are not used much with modern mass spectrometry except EI for environmental work using GC-MS. More modern techniques of atmospheric pressure chemical Ionization (APCI), electrospray ionization (ESI), matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) and other derivative methods have taken their place in the mass spectrometry laboratory.

  • Electron Impact ionization (EI)
  • Electrospray ionization (ESI)
  • Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB)
  • Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI)
  • Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization (MALDI)

Bioanalysis may be a sub-discipline of analytical chemistry covering the quantitative activity of xenobiotics (drugs and their metabolites, and biological molecules in unnatural locations or concentrations) and biotic (macro and micromolecules, proteins, DNA, giant molecule medicine, metabolites) in biological systems. Applications for analytical and Bioanalytical method development and validation, are as follows: biological safety test, clinical support, separation of a mixture of the compound, drug analysis. Importance of understanding proteomics and process of food science is important and can be discussed by using separation techniques.

  • Analytical Techniques in Pharmacogenomics
  • Analytical Techniques in Immuno Chemistry
  • NMR and Analysis of Small Organic Molecules
  • Bioanalytical methodology
  • Track 6-1Brain-derived amyloid-β (Aβ) dimers
  • Track 6-2Integrated Portable Genetic Analysis
  • Track 6-3Disease Diagnosis in Breathomics and Salivaomics
  • Track 6-4Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
  • Track 6-5Chemometric Analysis
  • Track 6-6Analysis of biogenic volatile organic compounds
  • Track 6-7Breath Analysis for Disease Diagnosis
  • Track 6-8Analytical Neurochemistry and Clinical Chemistry
  • Track 6-9Disease markers of major diseases
  • Track 6-10imaging analysis for tumor molecules

Molecular spectroscopy is the study of absorption of light by molecules. In the gas phase at low pressures, molecules exhibit absorption in narrow lines which are very characteristic of the molecule as well as the temperature and pressure of its environment. In the microwave and long-wavelength infrared regions of the spectrum, these lines are due to a quantized rotational motion of the molecule. At shorter wavelengths, similar lines are due to quantized vibration and electronic motion as well as rotational motion.

  • Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy
  • Laser spectroscopy
  • The Intensity of Spectral Lines
  • Rotational Spectra
  • Rotational Structure of Electronic Transitions

Radioanalytical chemistry is used for analysis of a sample for their radionuclide content.The Radioanalytical Chemistry Capability (RACC) combines radioanalytical chemistry and medium level gamma-ray spectrometry.This capability has expertise in the measurement of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides, and analysis of environmental samples from pristine, human impacted and contaminated environments.

  • Gamma spectrometry
  • Liquid Scintillation Analysis
  • Alpha Spectrometry
  • Radioanalytical chemistry techniques


Inorganic chemistry is an exciting and expanding field of research that encompasses a wide range of areas and is at the crossroads of interdisciplinary inquiry. This is exemplified by work in inorganic/materials chemistry and main group/organometallic chemistry.Modern inorganic chemistry is a broad and exciting field of inquiry featuring both fundamental and applied research.

  • Inorganic polymer chemistry
  • electrical and magnetic properties of inorganic solids
  • photochemistry
  • Transition Metals

Green analytical chemistry analytical procedures that generate less hazardous waste and that are safer to use and more benign to the environment.It is for developing new analytical methodologies and modifying an old method to incorporate procedures that either use less hazardous chemicals or use lesser amounts of hazardous chemicals.

  • Cloud Point Extraction (CPE)
  • Greening through Screening
  • Solid-phase extraction (SPE)
  • Solid-phase microextraction (SPME)
  • Supercritical Fluid Extraction

Medicinal chemistry deals with the design, optimization, and development of chemical compounds for use as drugs.It is a stimulating field as it links many scientific disciplines and allows for collaboration with other scientists in researching and developing new drugs.Medicinal chemists apply their chemistry training to the process of synthesizing new pharmaceuticals. They also improve the processes by which existing pharmaceuticals are made. They focused on drug discovery and development and are concerned with the isolation of medicinal agents found in plants, as well as the creation of new synthetic drug compounds. Most chemists work with a team of scientists from different disciplines, including biologists, toxicologists, pharmacologists, theoretical chemists, microbiologists, and bio pharmacists.

  • Toxicology
  • Drug Discovery
  •  pharmacology
  • Biology

The chemical analysis of water provides considerable insight into the health and workings of lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater. Water chemistry has helped scientists to define the different currents and circulation of the world's oceans, improved their understanding of water's interactions with Earth's geologic materials, and given insight into the impact of human activities on waterbodies. It also has provided a clearer understanding of the limits of a waterbody's ability to assimilate (take in) some level of pollution without harming the water system, its aquatic plants and animals, and humans who may use the water.

  • Water Analyser
  • Solubility Controls
  • Dissolved oxygen
  • Chemical Concentration of Water

Analytical Chemistry maintenance of a desired level of quality in an exceedingly service or product, particularly by means that of attention to each stage of the method of delivery or production. Bioanalytical Chemistry could be a sub-division of Analytical Chemistry that covers the measuring of medicine, Ion sensors, Proteins and DNA Sequences in unnatural samples or concentrations. Correct quantification of the drug samples is extremely very important for several scientific endeavors which cannot hinder the result.

  • Ion sensors
  • Method development and validation reports
  • Detect fake drugs quickly
  • DNA sequencing

Mass spectrometry is an analytical technique that ionizes molecules to ions and they can be moved about and manipulated by external electric and magnetic fields.The samples are usually introduced through a heated batch inlet, heated direct insertion probe, or a gas chromatograph. Ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) which has become an increasingly important technique in the clinical laboratory for structural study or quantitative measurement of metabolites in a complex biological sample.

This technique basically studies the effect of ionizing energy on molecules. It depends upon chemical reactions in the gas phase in which sample molecules are consumed during the formation of ionic and neutral species.

  • Applications of Mass Spectrometry
  • Mass spectrometry imaging
  • Data analysis
  • Flame ionization (FID)
  • Electron capture (ECD)

HPLC is a popular method of analysis for natural products because of its high accuracy, precision and is not differed by the stability or the volatility of the compounds. HPLC combined with diode array detector (HPLC-DAD), mass spectrometer (HPLC-MS) have been successfully utilized for the qualitative and quantitative determination of various types of phytoconstituents like alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, triterpenes, flavonoids etc. HPLC methods are used readily for the determination of drug in biological fluids and pharmaceutical dosage forms. HPLC determination with spectroscopic detection is useful for routine quality control of drugs in pharmaceutical dosage forms and stability studies.

A chromatographic detector is capable of establishing both the identity and concentration of eluting components in the mobile phase stream. A broad range of detectors is available to meet different sample requirements. Detectors respond to a particular compound only and the response is independent of mobile phase composition and the response of bulk property detectors is dependent on collective changes in the composition of sample and mobile phase. Specific detectors are UV-VIS, Photodiode array, fluorescence, and mass spectroscopic detectors. Bulk Property detectors include refractive index, electrochemical and light scattering detectors.

  • Advances in Chromatography-HPLC Instrumentations
  • HPLC Fingerprinting in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  • Chromatography-HPLC Separation Techniques

Analytical nanoscience as a new branch of analytical chemistry that has taken advantage of the unique merits of the nanomaterials and analytical methodology could amplify the sensitivity, improve the stability of traditional materials and methods, and provide one of the most promising avenues for developments in analytical science.nanomaterials and nanotechnology play a role in different areas of analytical chemistry and includes various detection methodologies like optical, electrochemical, surface plasmon resonance, and magnetic resonance technique; micro-/nanoextraction and micro-/nanoseparation.

  • chemical sensor and biosensor.
  • Advance in nanoscience analytical chemistry
  • nano science biosensors
  • nanoscience analytical device


The applied surface analysis which analysis the properties of materials that interact with the environment.Nowadays surfaces are treated in many ways in order to adapt their properties to special requirements, e.g. nanoscale structures in the electronics/semiconductor field, thin films for antireflection coatings, and the functionalization of surfaces in order to enhance certain chemical processes.

  • Alternative Energy
  • Bio and Biomaterials
  • Nanoanalysis


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is an analytical chemistry technique used in quality control and research for determining the content and purity of a sample as well as its molecular structure.The principle behind NMR is that many nuclei have spin and all nuclei are electrically charged. If an external magnetic field is applied, an energy transfer is possible between the base energy to a higher energy level.The energy transfer takes place at a wavelength that corresponds to radio frequencies and when the spin returns to its base level, energy is emitted at the same frequency. The signal that matches this transfer is measured in many ways and processed in order to yield an NMR spectrum for the nucleus concerned.Most frequently, NMR spectroscopy is used by chemists and biochemists to investigate the properties of organic molecules, although it is applicable to any kind of sample that contains nuclei possessing spin.

  • Resonant frequency
  • Biomolecular NMR spectroscopy
  • Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance

Crystallography is the science that examines crystals, which can be found everywhere in nature from salt to snowflakes to gemstones. Crystallographers use the properties and inner structures of crystals to determine the arrangement of atoms and generate knowledge that is used by chemists, physicists, biologists, and others. Applied Crystallography is a  crystallographic methods that are used to study crystalline and non-crystalline matter with neutrons, X-rays and electrons, their application in condensed matter research, materials science and the life sciences, and their use in identifying phase transformations and structural changes of defects, structure-property relationships, interfaces and surfaces etc.

  • Elecron Crystallography
  • Crystallography of Novel Materials
  • Advanced Crystallography
  • Chemical Crystallography
  • Applications for Crystallography 
The movement of particles under spatially uniform electric field in a fluid is
called electrophoresis.In 1807, Ferdinand Frederic Reuss observed clay
particles dispersed in water to migrate on applying constant electric field for the
first time. It is caused by a charged interface present between the particle surface
and the surrounding fluid. The rate of migration of particle depends on the
strength of the field, on the net charge size and shape of the molecules and also
on the ionic strength, viscosity and temperature of medium in which the
molecules are moving. As an analytical tool, electrophoresis is simple, rapid and
highly sensitive. It is used analytically to study the properties of a single charged
species and as a separation technique. It provides the basis for a number of
analytical techniques used for separating molecules by size, charge, or binding
  • Gel electrophoresis
  • Capillary electrophoresis
  • Affinity electrophoresis


The Microscopy Laboratory Analysis is a small materials analysis and focuses on molecular and biophysical characterizations and analytical spectroscopic imaging. It consists of a wide spectrum of analytical imaging devices with spectral imaging capabilities. 

  • Microarray scanning
  • Digital Imaging
  • Light, electron, and scanning probe microscopy
X-ray Spectrometry is a spectrometer used for measuring the angles of diffraction of X rays produced by reflection from a crystal or for measuring X-ray spectra.X ray spectrometry (XRS) techniques are used for the elemental, chemical, crystalline, structural and dynamic analysis of a broad range of materials fulfilling a wide variety of requirements.
These techniques provide exceptional spatial resolution (down to few tens of a nanometre), but can also be used to analyze and produce images of large areas, up to the size of several square meters. Their application is generally not restricted by the physicochemical state of a sample (liquid, frozen or heated) or by other environmental factors since measurements can be performed either in a vacuum or under atmospheric pressure, in specialized experimental chambers or, use optimized portable spectrometers, even in the field.
  • X-ray emission spectroscopy
  • x-ray fluorescence spectrometer
  • Gamma Ray and Neutron Spectrometer (GRNS)


Crystallography is the science that examines crystals, which can be found everywhere in nature from salt to snowflakes to gemstones. Crystallographers use the properties and inner structures of crystals to determine the arrangement of atoms and generate knowledge that is used by chemists, physicists, biologists, and others. Applied Crystallography is a  crystallographic method that is used to study the crystalline and non-crystalline matter with neutrons, X-rays and electrons, their application in condensed matter research, materials science and the life sciences, and their use in identifying phase transformations and structural changes of defects, structure-property relationships, interfaces, and surfaces etc.

  • Electron Crystallography
  • Crystallography of Novel Materials
  • Advanced Crystallography
  • Chemical Crystallography
  • Applications for Crystallography

The movement of particles under a spatially uniform electric field in a fluid is called electrophoresis.In 1807, Ferdinand Frederic Reuss observed clay particles dispersed in water to migrate on applying constant electric field for the first time. It is caused by a charged interface present between the particle surface and the surrounding fluid. The rate of migration of particle depends on the strength of the field, on the net charge size and shape of the molecules and also on the ionic strength, viscosity and temperature of the medium in which the molecules are moving. As an analytical tool, electrophoresis is simple, rapid and highly sensitive. It is used analytically to study the properties of a single charged species and as a separation technique. It provides the basis for a number of analytical techniques used for separating molecules by size, charge, or binding affinity.

  • Gel electrophoresis
  • Capillary electrophoresis
  • Affinity electrophoresis

Analytical techniques in neurosciences are the Modern techniques in neuroscience and it is used to detect the disorders and diseases in neuroscience. 

  • electrophysiology
  • Signal Processing Neuroscience
  • Image analysis


Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) is a technique applied to the spectroscopy of atoms and small molecules.REMPI in combination with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOFMS) provides a selective and sensitive means for monitoring (poly)aromatic compounds in process flows. The properties of REMPI and various variations of the ionization process are presented. The potential of REMPI for process analysis is highlighted with several examples, and drawbacks of the method are also noted. Applications of REMPI-TOFMS for the detection and monitoring of aromatic species in a large variety of combustion processes comprising flames, vehicle exhaust, and incinerators are discussed. New trends in technology development and combination with other analytical methods are brought forward.

  • Photoelectron Spectrometer
  • Ferromagnetic resonance
Computed tomography (CT) is an imaging procedure that uses special x-ray equipment to create detailed pictures, or scans, of areas inside the body. It is also called computerized tomography and computerized axial tomography (CAT).
  • CT Angiography 
  • CT Colonography
  • CT Enterography


The application of instrumental neutron activation analysis and multivariate statistics for archaeological studies of ceramics and clays is described. A small pottery data set from the Nasca culture in southern Peru is presented for illustration.
  • Canonical discriminant analysis
  • Neutron Activation Analysis
  • Plasma Emission Spectroscopy Analysis 
  • Statistical Analysis 


Clinical Chemistry is that field of clinical pathology involved with analysis of body fluids. The discipline originated within the late nineteenth century with the use of simple chemical tests for diverse elements of blood and waste product. After this, totally different clinical biochemistry techniques were applied at the side of the use and live of catalyst activities, spectrophotometry, action, and biological assay. Endocrine pathology is that the subspecialty of surgical pathology that deals with the diagnosing and characterization of growth and non-neoplastic diseases of organs of the system, as well as the thyroid, parathyroid gland, secreted exocrine gland, and adrenal glands. Pharmacology is additionally a branch of biological chemistry, and medicines committed the study of the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms. A diagnosing may be an academic degree array of tests performed on excreta, and one in all the foremost common ways of disease susceptibility. A fecal occult check involves the gathering and analysis of BM to diagnose the presence or absence of a medical condition.

  • Clinical Chemistry Instruments
  • Advances In Laboratory medicine
Thermal analysis is a branch of materials science where the properties of materials are studied as they change with temperature. Several methods are commonly used – these are distinguished from one another by the property which is measured
  • Dielectric thermal analysis 
  • Differential scanning calorimetry
  • Laser flash analysis

Organic chemistry is the chemistry discipline that is concerned with the study of compounds containing carbon that is chemically bonded to hydrogen. Organic chemistry encompasses the synthesis, identification, modeling, and chemical reactions of such compounds.It are the study of the behavioral of compounds containing carbon-hydrogen bonds.In addition to carbon and hydrogen, many organic compounds also include oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, bromine or sulfur. Other elements are also possible but are less common. Organic compounds vary in complexity from very simple molecules of just a few atoms.

  • Organic reactions
  • Organic synthesis
  • Properties of molecules
  • Classification of organic compounds