Day 1 :
Keynote Forum
Dusan Berek
Polymer Institute of the Slovak Academy of Science, Slovakia
Keynote: Molecular characterization of synthetic polymers with help of liquid chromatography
Time : 00:00-00:30

The most important tool for molecular characterization of synthetic polymers is High performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) methods. Mean molar mass (MM) and molar mass distribution (MMD) of linear and branched homopolymers is easily determined by gel permeation (size exclusion) chromatography (GPC/SEC). GPC/SEC provides several other useful data such as limiting viscosity numbers, constants of viscosity law, sizes of macromolecules in solution - and even extent of preferential solvation of polymers in mixed solvents. Recent progress in GPC/SEC comprises improved instrumental hardware and data processing procedures. High sample throughput of the ultra-fast GPC/SEC enables acceleration of analyses, which is especially important in combinatorial material chemistry and in production control. Still, further improvements of the SEC method are needed, which include its hardware, especially columns and detectors, standardization of sample preparation, measurement, and data processing. GPC/SEC exhibits excellent intra-laboratory repeatability, which evokes a notion of its high reliability. Recent series of the round robin tests, however, revealed surprisingly poor inter-laboratory reproducibility of results. Evidently, an accuracy of many GPC/SEC results may be rather limited. In most cases, GPC/SEC does not enable precise molecular characterization of complex polymer systems, which possess more than one distribution in their molecular characteristics. Typically, polymer mixtures, copolymers, and functional polymers exhibit beside MMD also distribution in their chemical structure. To assess the above distributions, new HPLC procedures are developed. These are based on the controlled combinations of entropic (exclusion) and enthalpic (interaction) retention mechanisms within one column or in a series of independent separation systems. These approaches are denoted “coupled polymer HPLC” and “two-, or multi-dimensional polymer HPLC”, respectively. Enthalpic retention mechanisms in HPLC of synthetic polymers include adsorption, partition, phase separation. We shall review recent progress and problems in GPC/SEC, as well as in the couple, and two-dimensional polymer HPLC procedures, and outline anticipated future development.
Keynote Forum
David M Parish
Sherwin Williams Company, USA
Keynote: Aligning industrial R&D with academia to better utilize analytical science to produce positive outcomes
Time : 00:00-00:30

Keynote Forum
Abuzar Kabir
Florida International University, Florida
Keynote: Fabric Phase Sorptive Extraction (FPSE): A novel strategy in metabolomics sample preparation for disease biomarker discovery
Time : 00:00-00:30

Keynote Forum
Rob O’Brien
Supra Research and Development, Canada
Keynote: Overcoming challenges in the analysis of Cannabis and derived products
Time : 00:00-00:30

- Chromatography

Dusan Berek
Polymer Institute of the Slovak Academy of Science

Brigitte Simons
Molecular Science Corp., Canada
Session Introduction
Milos Netopilik
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Republic
Title: Combinatorial model of chromatography applied on optimizing operational conditions in SEC
Time : 00:00-00:20

Milos Netopilik has completed his Ph.D. at the age of 30 years from Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry and postdoctoral studies from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Technical University. He has published more than 65 papers in reputed journals.
- Principles and Applications of HPLC
Session Introduction
H W C Krishanthi Karunarathne
Government Analyst Department, Sri Lanka
Title: Determination of the concentration of benzoic acid and sorbic acid in ready to serve products using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Time : 00:00-00:20

Sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate are two major chemical preservatives which are used in ready to serve products. In this study, a total of 50 commercial brands of highly consumed ready to serve products were analyzed. The HPLC determination of the preservatives was performed using a reversed – phase C18 column and UV detection at 235 nm. Flow rate approximately 1.2 ml/min. Eluent for HPLC, mix 50 volume parts of ammonium acetate solution with 40 volume parts of methanol for HPLC and adjust to a pH of 4.5 to 4.6 with acetic acid. The preservative concentration in samples was using authentic external standard sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate. Among 50 samples, the minimum and maximum concentration of benzoate content in various brands were 80ppm and 874ppm and for sorbate was 60ppm to 562ppm respectively, 22% of samples do not compliance with standard regulations in Sri Lanka. Exposure to these chemical preservatives could be a risk factor for the human health, especially when their intake was being occurred by various foodstuffs simultaneously.
- Polymer and Material Chemistry
Session Introduction
Zahra Ramezani
Ahvaz Jundishapur University, Iran
Title: Fabrication of a magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer for pre-concentration and cleanup of sarcosine, a prostate cancer metabolic biomarker, in urine prior to capillary electrophoresis determination
Time : 00:00-00:20

Sarcosine, a non-proteinogenic amino acid, is an intermediate product in the synthesis and degradation of amino acid glycine. Recently, it has been investigated as a prostate cancer (CaP) biomarker, a most common type of tumor disease in men. It is a candidate for diagnosis of early stages of CaP in the body fluid such as urine instead of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). PSA can only be detected in plasma when the disease progresses. Scientists have different opinion about its suitability as a biomarker in early diagnosis of CaP. This is due to false positive results because of interference from amino acid, aniline in the quantitation methods. Therefore, liquid chromatography or gas chromatography equipped with tandem mass detection is applied for its quantitation. For the accurate determination in biological matrixes such as urine, a good cleanup and pre-concentration technique is also required. Molecularly imprinted polymer as a synthetic antibody is a good approach. In the present survey, a new magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer (MMIP) using a chelate-Cu-sarcosine as the template, methacrylic amide as the monomer, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate as crosslinker and 2,2-azobis boutirnitril as an initiator is introduced. Synthesis of the MMIP was optimized by two heating methods, microwave irradiation and conventional heating. On column derivitization capillary electrophoresis analysis was used to determine 13 amino acids including sarcosine. Fig. 1 shows electrophoregram for the mixture of amino acids determined by the proposed method. In the electrophoregram, aniline and sarcosine are appeared at different times. So, the interference of aniline is eliminated.
- Good Pharmacovigilance Practice
Session Introduction
Julio C Fernandez Travieso
National Centre for Scientifi c Research, Cuba
Title: Effects of policosanol in the functional recovery of ischemic stroke hypertensive patients

- Disease Detection and Formulation Development
Session Introduction
Ishiaq Omotosho
University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Title: Area under the receiver–operating characteristics as a model for evaluating and predicting biomarkers of early renal tubular damage in subjects occupationally exposed to lead
Alina Vasilescu
International Centre of Biodynamics, Romania
Title: Biosensing approaches for lysozyme detection with graphene oxide-coated plasmonic interfaces

Alina Vasilescu has completed joint Ph.D. studies from the University of Bucharest, Romania and University of Perpignan, France and postdoctoral studies from University of Toronto, Canada. She has worked in analytical development in the pharmaceutical industry and is currently a researcher at the International Centre of Biodynamics in Bucharest, Romania working on practical applications of biosensors. She has published more than 30 papers in the field of biosensors
- Advances in Chromatography & HPLC Techniques

Milos Netopilik
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Republic

Abuzar Kabir
International Forensic Research Institute, USA
Session Introduction
Dusan Berek
Polymer Institute of the Slovak Academy of Science, Slovakia
Title: Separation of parent homopolymers from block copolymers with advanced liquid chromatography methods

Dusan Berek is employed at Polymer Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava. Served as elected member of the Presidium of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, President of the Slovak Chemical Society, Chairman of the Czecho-Slovak and Slovak National Committee of Chemistry for IUPAC. Corresponding member of the Central European Academy of Sciences and member of the Learned Society of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Author or co-author of two monographs and 300+ scientific papers in extenso published in refereed periodicals, proceedings and chapters of books, as well as 60+ patents (four of them were licensed) - cited more than 3,000x. Presented over 130 invited plenary, key and main lectures, as well as over 900 regular lectures and poster contributions on symposia and conferences, as well as during lecturing tours to over fourty countries. Elected "Slovak scientist of the year 1999" and "Slovak innovator of the year 2002".